Real life is overated

This is just so wrong and yet I can't stop looking at it. There's just something surreal and absurdly addictive about a hyper-realistic Mario World. Trust me, there's plenty more of these pics (this one's not even the most mesmerizing) but I'm not sure if you could take it without entering some Dali-like mindset. Doesn't normality seem a bit dull sometimes?
Now can you imagine how the creator of Mario, Shigeru Miyamoto, must think? Apparently, the idea for the blocks Mario is so eagerly breaking in the picture above came to Miyamoto one day, as he was happily walking down the street, not a care in the world, and into his mind popped "hey, wouldn't it be cool if there were blocks floating in the air above me, just out of my reach, with some mystery prize inside?" That's the kind of happy randomness that's often imitated, but never duplicated. It's the kind of thing that no one would normally even think about, but once considered, would think is rather cool. Or maybe that's just me...
Nope, other people think so too! Just check out this guy's fun project. I'd love to see this hanging along my street one day as I walk home!

UofT people have no sense of humour.
Ben TK Wong, at 6:27 p.m., January 17, 2006
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