Spring is come
Ah...the joys of seeing the sun in the morning. I blame the lack of updates on the sunshine. Who wants to sit inside with a computer when spring beckons? Of course, I am being optimistic, since the temperature is still hovering around zero degrees. No snow though!
My quest to get to know the neighbours continues. Mostly just saying hello as I pass them on the way to work, but it's the little things that count and add up in the end, no?
Every morning, on my way to the subway station, I pass by this university (or maybe senior high school?) student hanging around in front of his house, just standing there listening to his iPod or something. Which is quite puzzling, because he's just standing there, in the snow, the rain, the wind, whatever. Well, a few days ago, I left the house a bit later, and I realized that he's not standing in front of HIS house, but his girlfriend's. So apparently they're neighbours, and he waits for her every morning so they can walk to the subway together. It doesn't rank very high in terms of self-sacrificing acts, but I didn't think anyone did that anymore. Walking to the subway or bus-stop with someone seemed to be something left in my childhood. Hmm.
Somehow spring always reminds me of elementary school. I think it's those many years of playing in the grass fields. And the school trips to the local church for Easter service (during which walk everybody picked dandelions from the road). And when summer comes, it also feels like school time. That delicious anticipation of summer vacation. In general, when the seaons changes to spring or summer, it just makes me feel incredibly happy for no apparent reason. Conversely, the coming of autumn and winter makes me feel depressed, but there (and particularly for winter) the reason is obvious -_-;
My quest to get to know the neighbours continues. Mostly just saying hello as I pass them on the way to work, but it's the little things that count and add up in the end, no?
Every morning, on my way to the subway station, I pass by this university (or maybe senior high school?) student hanging around in front of his house, just standing there listening to his iPod or something. Which is quite puzzling, because he's just standing there, in the snow, the rain, the wind, whatever. Well, a few days ago, I left the house a bit later, and I realized that he's not standing in front of HIS house, but his girlfriend's. So apparently they're neighbours, and he waits for her every morning so they can walk to the subway together. It doesn't rank very high in terms of self-sacrificing acts, but I didn't think anyone did that anymore. Walking to the subway or bus-stop with someone seemed to be something left in my childhood. Hmm.
Somehow spring always reminds me of elementary school. I think it's those many years of playing in the grass fields. And the school trips to the local church for Easter service (during which walk everybody picked dandelions from the road). And when summer comes, it also feels like school time. That delicious anticipation of summer vacation. In general, when the seaons changes to spring or summer, it just makes me feel incredibly happy for no apparent reason. Conversely, the coming of autumn and winter makes me feel depressed, but there (and particularly for winter) the reason is obvious -_-;
I am going to comment on posts that are nearly two years old in hopes of reviving your blog, now thickly covered with dust, and to encourage you to come leave comments on mine (do you even check your own blog anymore?)
Changing of the seasons now just makes me aware of the all too quick passage of time, thus every season depresses me. Yes, I'm just like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, full of good cheer (actually, I've never even read that book).
wy jay, at 1:42 a.m., February 29, 2008
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